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All Hallow E’en

"This is Halloween, this is Halloween..." Yes, you know how the song goes, but what is Halloween ?

Well, quite simply put, it is All Hallows’ Eve, the syncretic mashup of a Celtic harvest holiday and the Christian holiday called All Saints’ (yes, Hallow means Saint, but if you read Harry Potter, it means something else), with both holidays historically linked by themes of remembrance and the cycle of life and death.
But with younger students, you’re more likely to talk about pumpkins and trick-or-treating ! So, here’s a game for them ! (It does require a good internet connection, but it’s inspiring).

Now you’re thinking, "didn’t he mention Harry Potter ? Why doesn’t he talk about that ?"
Well yeah, today is the perfect day to talk about the book that "turned non readers into readers" because Halloween is precisely the day when Harry first defeated Lord Voldemort. But if, like our friends at Versailles, you think that you’d rather talk about Harry all year long, check out their website, "Une année sur le thème Harry Potter".

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Auteur : Florent Hebert
Mise à jour le jeudi 31 octobre 2024

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Equipe de Rédaction :

Monsieur Florent HEBERT, Inspecteur d’Académie - Inspecteur Pédagogique Régional en anglais est le Directeur de Publication du site Portail des langues vivantes de l’Académie de Mayotte.

Monsieur Alain LACAZE, Inspecteur d’Académie - Inspecteur Pédagogique Régional en espagnol, est Directeur de Publication adjoint du site Portail des langues vivantes de l’Académie de Mayotte.

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